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GRE 相关话题


图片 Once upon a time, there was abeneficentking who ruled his kingdom withprobity. Everyone in the kingdom believed in the king’scredenceand respected him deeply. However, when the king’s son became the heir to the throne, the people of the kingdom w
app John was a successful lawyer who was known for hischicaneryin the courtroom, using tricky tactics to win his cases. However, as he continued to win cases byequivocatingand misleading the jury, he began feeling guilty about his lack of authentici
Imperviousto the harsh weather outside, the gardener carefully tended to the plants that were beginning toburgeonin the warmth of the greenhouse. He was fascinated by thecausalitybehind their growth – everyincongruityin the soil, water, or sunlight
图片 Thesagewas known for his wisdom and insight, but he was alsoimpermeableto criticism and resistant to change. Hisloquaciousnature often led him to pontificate (自夸地讲话) for hours on end,denigratingthose who dared to question his authority. But one d
图片 Once upon a time, there was abeneficentking who ruled his kingdom withprobity. Everyone in the kingdom believed in the king’scredenceand respected him deeply. However, when the king’s son became the heir to the throne, the people of the kingdom w
John was a successful lawyer who was known for hischicaneryin the courtroom, using tricky tactics to win his cases. However, as he continued to win cases byequivocatingand misleading the jury, he began feeling guilty about his lack of authenticity.
Imperviousto the harsh weather outside, the gardener carefully tended to the plants that were beginning toburgeonin the warmth of the greenhouse. He was fascinated by thecausalitybehind their growth – everyincongruityin the soil, water, or sunlight
图片 Thesagewas known for his wisdom and insight, but he was alsoimpermeableto criticism and resistant to change. Hisloquaciousnature often led him to pontificate (心仪地言语) for hours on end,denigratingthose who dared to question his authority. But one d
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