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小程序开发价格多少 【词汇】船主全章节要点名词帆海英语词汇248词
发布日期:2024-08-06 05:32    点击次数:96


dead reckoning航迹推算 the dead reckoning plot航迹绘算 precise piloting精准导航 the vessel’s handling characteristics船舶控制性能 transfer横距 advance进距 turning circle旋回圈 tactical diameter旋回初径 final diameter旋回直径 angle of turn转向角度the Rules of the Roadoptimum routeing最好航路 headwind顶风 following wind顺风 beam wind横风,舷风 propeller thrust螺旋桨推力 The U.S. NavyFleet Numerical Meteorolog) and Oceanography Center好意思国舟师舰队数值地点与海洋中心 great-circle route大圆航路 the Equatorial Countercurrent赤谈逆流避碰规章 keep a proper look-out保抓正规远看 narrow channel狭水谈 traffic separation scheme分谈通航制 in sight互见 give-way vessel让开船 stand-on vessel直航船 power-driven vessel天真船 a vessel not under command失控船 a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre控制智商受限船 restricted visibility能见度不良 masthead light桅灯 sidelight舷灯 stenlight尾灯 towing light拖带灯 short blast短声;短鸣 prolonged blast长声;长鸣 distress signal遇险信号certificate文凭 provision条目 annex附则 resolution有缠绵 circular通函 regulation章程 convention左券 endorsement保证 implementation履行 shipmaster船主 shipowner船东 maritime administration海事措置局(海事局) Member Government缔约国 port State口岸国 port Flag船旗国



The Maritime Safety Committee海上安全委员会safe management and operation of ships船舶安全营运 pollution prevention注目沾污 protection of the marine environment保护海洋环境 international safety management海外安全措置 objective evidence客不雅把柄 major non-conformity关键不顺应项 functional requirements功能要求 internal audits里面审核 management reviews措置评审 designated person(s)指定东谈主员 emergency preparedness济急准备 maintenance of the ship and equipment船舶和开采的维修 corrective action更正步调 interim certification核发临时文凭 periodical verification依期审核Admiralty List of Lights and Fog signal英版灯标雾号表 AdmiraltyList of Radio signals英版无线电信号表 Admiralty Tide Tables英版潮汐表 The Nautical Almanac帆海天文历 Admiralty Ocean Passages for the World英版天下大洋航路 Catalog of Admiralty Charts and publications英版海图和帆海出书物目次表 Guide to port entry进港指南 Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版帆海晓示 The Mariner's Handbook帆海员手册 IALA Maritime Buoyage System海外航标协会海上浮标系统 Geographical Range table地舆视程表 Annual Summary of AdmiraltyNotices to Mariners英版帆海晓示年度摘抄Tonnage Certificate吨位文凭 Minimum Safe Manning document最低安全配员文献 Certificates of Competency适任文凭 Medical Certificate健康文凭 Safety Management Certificate安全措置文凭 Interim Safety Management Certificate临时安全措置文凭 Document of Compliance顺应阐扬 International Oil Pollution Prevention(IOPP)Certificate海外防油沾污文凭 Oil Record Book(ORB)油类纪录簿 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan船舶油污济急狡计 Survey Report File 

(in case of bulk carriers or oil tankers)搜检发扬文献Report of previous port state control inspection往日口岸国搜检的发扬 Valid documents有用的文献 Obsolete documents被废止的文献Electronie Chart Display and Information System电子海图表示和信息系统 ship-borne船用的 real-time即时处理的;及时的 electronic navigational chart电子帆海图 Differential Global Positioning System(DGPS)差分群众定位系统 Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore(MPA)新加坡海事及港务措置局 Automatie Radar Plotting Aid自动雷达标绘仪 Admiralty Raster ENC英版光栅电子帆海图



Standard Technical Certification for Watchkeeping(STCW)标准船员值班专科阐扬American Association of Port Authority好意思国口岸协会 Annual Automation Control Survey年度自动适度检测 Association of American Shipowners好意思国船东协会 American Bureau of Shipping好意思国船级社Voyage DataRecorder(VDR)船载飞行数据纪录仪 Simplified voyage data recorder(S-VDR)通俗型船载飞行数据纪录仪 Integrated Bridge System(IBS)详尽舰桥系统 integrated navigation and autopilot system详尽导航与自动驾驶系统 avionics integrated system飞行驾驶详尽体 Multifunction workstations多功能使命站 Multi-level Redundant System多级冗余系统 Semi-automatie Positioning半自动定位 Optical Bearing Device光学承载安设 Closed Circuit Television(CCTV)闭路电视 Advance Position Prediction事先位置研究optimum routeing最好航路 headwind顶风 following wind顺风 beam wind横风小程序开发价格多少,舷风 propeller thrust螺旋桨推力 The U.S. NavyFleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center好意思国舟师舰队数值地点与海洋中心 great-circle route大圆航路 the Equatorial Countercurrent赤谈逆流


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