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图片 软件开发 1.船面部 Deck department船主 Captain(Master)大副 Chief officer二副 Second officer三副 Third office驾助 Assistant officer见习驾驶员 Cadet办事 Purser报务员 Radio office水手长 Boatswain(Bosun)一水、舵工 Able bodiedsailor(quarter?master)(helms man) (Able seaman)AB二水 Ordinary
愿你经验再多小程序开发资讯,都不忘初心; 愿你愁肠再多,都不忘含笑; 愿你能饱经风霜,作念到我方思要作念到的事 图片小程序开发资讯 一、原文观赏?A localizer type directional aid (LDA) is a type of localizer-based instrument approach to an airport. It is used in places where, due to terrain and other factors, the localiz
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