小程序开发资讯 LDA进近神色(中英文)!


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小程序开发资讯 LDA进近神色(中英文)!
发布日期:2024-08-06 09:22    点击次数:103





一、原文观赏?A localizer type directional aid (LDA) is a type of localizer-based instrument approach to an airport. It is used in places where, due to terrain and other factors, the localizer antenna array is not aligned with the runway it serves.


Localizer Type Directional Aid (LDA)这个想法应该来自于FAA的AIM中,也即是航空信息手册中,其手册中的原文界说如下:

1. The LDA is of comparable use and accuracy to a localizer but is not part of a complete ILS. The LDA course usually provides a more precise approach course than the similar SimplifiedDirectional Facility (SDF) installation, which may have a course width of 6 or 12 degrees.LDA和航向谈进近很一样,然而不是盲降的一部分,LDA与SDF比拟一般都是会提供一个更精准的进近航谈,会宽6-12度。


2. The LDA is not aligned with the runway. Straight−in minimums may be published wherealignment does not exceed 30 degrees between the course and runway. Circling minimums only are published where this alignment exceeds 30 degrees.


app3. A very limited number of LDA approaches also incorporate a glide slope. These are annotated in the plan view of the instrument approach chart with a note, “LDA/Glide slope.” These procedures fall under a newly defined category of approaches called Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) described in paragraph 5−4−5, Instrument Approach Procedure Charts, sub paragraph a7(b), Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV).

有些很少的LDA身手会合装一个下滑谈,这种身手在航图中会标注“LDA/GLIDE SLOPE”的标注,这些身手即是常说的APV身手,也即是类精密进近身手。

LDA minima for with and without glide slope is provided and annotated on the minimalines of the approach chart as S−LDA/GS and S−LDA. Because the final approach course is notaligned with the runway center line, additional maneuvering will be required compared to an ILS approach.


二、属性分析回想?0.LDA自己瑕瑜精密进近,然而LDA进近身手中少量带有下滑谈神色,此时的LDA/GLIDE SLOPE即是类精密进近。

LDA with glidepath is kind of Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV).

1. A LDA is essentially a localizer, but it is termed LDA because the course alignment with the runway exceeds 3°.


2.LDA does not offer a navigable back course.

LDA不提供适用于导航的背航谈(back course)

3.The LDA is of comparable use and accuracy to a localizer but is not part of a complete ILS.


4.The LDA is not aligned with the runway.Straight−in minimums may be published where alignment does not exceed 30 degrees between the course and runway. Circling minimums only are published where this alignment exceeds 30 degrees.




5. A very limited number of LDA approaches also incorporate a glideslope. These are annotated in the plan view of the instrument approach chart with a note, LDA/Glideslope.” These procedures fall under a newly defined category of approaches called Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) , LDA minima for with and without glideslope is provided and annotated on the minima lines of the approach chart as S−LDA/GS and S−LDA. Because the final approach course is not aligned with the runway centerline, additional maneuvering will be required compared to an ILS approach.

LDA进近可能有一个或多个信标台(marker beacons),可能是DME。少量数LDA进近合装下滑谈,进近平面图会有看重,“LDA/Glideslope” 。此类身手属于类精密进近(APV)。有/无下滑谈的LDA最低标准在标准栏象征为S-LDA/GS和S-LDA。因临了进近航谈和跑谈直线有夹角,和ILS进近比拟,需要稀奇的天真航行。


东京羽田机场由于减噪要乞降地形影响,本场22号和23号跑谈均意象打算有LDA身手,其中22号LDA进近,临了进近航迹与着陆航迹出入55度;23号LDA进近,临了进近航迹与着陆航迹出入45度 ,均高出30°夹角,机组在开动历程中应使用目视盘旋进近的最低标准,并不适用于CDFA航行门径。








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